Model Baker INTERLIS Daten Validator

Der voll integrierte Daten Validator, mit dem du deine Daten direkt im QGIS gegen das INTERLIS Modell prüfen kannst, existiert nun seit fast einem Jahr. Nach vielen Benutzerfeedbacks und  einigen Investitionen ist er nun toller denn je. Zeit für ein Update und eine kleine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung. Why is it so Read more…

Model Baker 7.2 ist draussen

Der neue Release vom QGIS Model Baker Plugin ist draussen, mit weiteren Verbesserungen des Import/Export Wizards, mehr Möglichkeiten in der INTERLIS Validierung der Daten und einem super-komfortablen Exporter für UsabILIty Hub Toppingfiles. Was ist Model Baker? Dieser erste Abschnitt kann wohl von den meisten Leser:innen übersprungen werden. Trotzdem hier eine Read more…

QField 1.6 is out!

Editing multiple features at the same time, support for stylus pens, dynamic configuration of image names and much more.QField 1.6 Qinling 秦岭 comes packed with awesome new features and an improved user experience. We have been very busy over the last few months working on a new and shiny QField Read more…

QField 1.2 released

After an intensive testing period, we are proud to announce the release of QField 1.2 As usual, get it on play store or download it from GitHub. QField Crowdfunding Campaign Before digging into all the new goodness that you will find in QField 1.2, let’s get some big „Thanks“ out. Read more…

QField 1.0 is here

Let’s get straight to the point It’s official, QField for QGIS 1.0 is out! Get it while it’s hot on the Playstore ( or on GitHub We are incredibly pleased and proud of just having released such a jewel and are convinced that, thanks to all its features and conscious design Read more…

GeoBeer #26 in Bern hosted by

Last Thursday around half past six in the evening. Striking many Geo-scientist found the way to the Spitalgasse in Bern. The reason was the 26th GeoBeer event taking place at ImpactHub.GeoBeer is a quarterly meeting of people interested in geography, GIS, cartography and the latest technologies. It’s hosted every time Read more…