Unterstützung für WMTS im QGIS Swiss Locator

Das QGIS swiss locator Plugin erleichtert in der Schweiz vielen Anwendern das Leben dadurch, dass es die umfangreichen Geodaten von swisstopo und opendata.swiss zugänglich macht. Darunter ein breites Angebot an GIS Layern, aber auch Objektinformationen und eine Ortsnamensuche. Dank eines Förderprojektes der Anwendergruppe Schweiz durfte OPENGIS.ch ihr Plugin um eine Read more…

QField 1.0 is here

Let’s get straight to the point It’s official, QField for QGIS 1.0 is out! Get it while it’s hot on the Playstore (qfield.org/get) or on GitHub We are incredibly pleased and proud of just having released such a jewel and are convinced that, thanks to all its features and conscious design Read more…

QGIS speaks a lot of languages

QGIS is a real cosmopolitan. Born in Alaska sixteen years ago, it has spread all over the world since. Thanks to its open source mentality, it finds not only in economically strong countries big usergroups. No question, that beside all the developers, there is a bunch of brave translators giving Read more…

Using Threads in PyQGIS3

While porting a plugin to QGIS3 I decided to also move all it’s threading infrastructure to QgsTasks. Here three possible variants to implement this.the first uses the static method QgsTask.fromFunction and is simpler to use. A great quick solution. If you want need control you can look at the second Read more…