Unterstützung für WMTS im QGIS Swiss Locator

Das QGIS swiss locator Plugin erleichtert in der Schweiz vielen Anwendern das Leben dadurch, dass es die umfangreichen Geodaten von swisstopo und opendata.swiss zugänglich macht. Darunter ein breites Angebot an GIS Layern, aber auch Objektinformationen und eine Ortsnamensuche. Dank eines Förderprojektes der Anwendergruppe Schweiz durfte OPENGIS.ch ihr Plugin um eine Read more…

QField 1.6 is out!

Editing multiple features at the same time, support for stylus pens, dynamic configuration of image names and much more.QField 1.6 Qinling 秦岭 comes packed with awesome new features and an improved user experience. We have been very busy over the last few months working on a new and shiny QField Read more…

QField 1.2 released

After an intensive testing period, we are proud to announce the release of QField 1.2 As usual, get it on play store or download it from GitHub. QField Crowdfunding Campaign Before digging into all the new goodness that you will find in QField 1.2, let’s get some big “Thanks” out. Read more…

QField Day 2019

12 November 2019 13:40 in Bern, free event QField is a highly configurable mobile data collection app. It integrates perfectly with the leading open source solution QGIS. It’s our pleasure to invite you to the first ever QField day in Bern. During this day, you will have the possibility to Read more…