QGis Globe Plugin installer script

Lately, thanks to ma Master Thesis, I’ve been co-working on the Globe Plugin for QGis here my install script for a threaded version of QGis with the Globe Plugin. By now the Globe has stereo 3D support, keyboard navigation (try all the num key), mouse navigation, a gui to control the globe and datasets can be inported configuring the .earth file. Today I’ll start implementing a dialog to add data without the need of the Read more…

Ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat on eeepc 1005 HA

WOW, today I realized that Ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat was out and that I missed it by couple of days… bad me!!! (btw you have to select “normal updates” instead of “long term release” in your update manager’s settings). After the update my little eeepc lookt great, and everything worked out of the box without installing a tray control (including wifi, webcam, sound, hotkeys, performance modes, ecc)!!! Great Job guys and the new unity theme Read more…

MySql World Database as YAML fixture

For Symfony application I’m developing I needed all the Region separated by continent (7 continents model). I converted the MySql World Database (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/world-setup/en/world-setup.html) to a YAML NestedSet fixture file. I just had to make 4 minor changes to it: – rename the 3 continents that had region with the same name name (North America, South America, Antarctica) – rename the Micronesia/Caribbean region to Micronesia-Caribbean. thats’ all, enjoy the file Region.yml Marco

eeepc 1005HA-H on its way

Yesterday I ordered a netbook, the asus eeepc 1005HA-H, today it arrived at my girlfriend’s place and she will bring it to Borneo (hence to me) next week. As soon as I get it i’ll get rid of the installed WinXp and install UNR (Ubuntu Netbook Remix). I’ll post the results here… ciao UPDATE: it works like a charm with 9.10